Custom Sticker Materials Support

All you need to know about Stickers Materials

Do you have questions about our Custom stickers materials you'll find the answers here.

Are the stickers weatherproof?

Yes, all sticker materials are 2-4 years weatherproof.*

This means they will hold up in the rain, sun, snow, dishwashers, microwaves, etc. The sticker is protected by an ultra-thin polyester film. Our stickers are weatherproof - Which makes them UV-resistant, Waterproof, scratchproof, and fadeproof

Kraftpapier is uncoated and is not waterproof. Custom Wall stickers are also uncoated, they will not be damaged by water, but the print is not as protected from scratches and UV-light. Matte stickers are weatherproof, but not UV-protected so they will fade faster in sunlight than our glossy stickers.

Just make sure to apply your stickers at a temperate temperature and on a dry surface. 

*with the exception of kraft paper, wall stickers, and matte stickers

Do you have matte stickers instead of glossy coated?

Yes we can!

If you are interested in this option, please send us an email with your personalised sticker order specifications and we can let you know if your stickers are able to be made with the matte laminate.

Can I get samples of your sticker materials?

You can order samples of the different custom sticker materials on the materials page. This will give you all of the different materials we offer. In the sample sticker pack, you'll get vinyl, holographic, glow in the dark, glitter, clear, mirror, prismatic and more to make the right choice for your needs. 

Custom Stickers - larger orders

If you plan on making a larger order on personalised stickers, you can also make a minimum order first to test out your custom design. We do not have a maximum number of stickers you can order - so feel free to go banans.

Order a sample-pack

What is your most popular sticker material?

Our most popular sticker material is the glossy coated vinyl. This gives a clear print of all designs and has the lowest minimum. These stickers are also 2-4 year weather proof. You can read more about our glossy coated vinyl stickers here. 

Do you offer transparent stickers?

Yes, we do offer transparent sticker material. 

You can choose this option under the "special materials" when placing your order of custom stickers.

All colors print on our transparent material including white, however we do not offer metallic printing. You can read more about our transparent sticker material here.

Do you offer window stickers?

Yes we can make personalised window stickers.

Window stickers are stickers with the glue on the reverse side.

If you wish to order window stickers you can order on our transparent material and write a comment to make them as window stickers. Can be used as customized car window sticker, check it out!

Can you print neon stickers?

No, we cannot print neon colors.

Convert your files to CMYK for the most accurate colors on your stickers.

Can I order glow-in-the-dark stickers?

Yes, yes you can!

A vinyl material with a glow in the dark effect on the transparent and white areas of your design. It is protected with a UV laminate and is weatherproof with a 2-4 year outdoor life! Create a custom Die cut sticker with this awesome glow in the dark effect here. Read about & cumstomize your glow-in-the-dark sticker here.

What are custom wall stickers and decals?

Wall stickers are made for interior use only. The material is a very thin textile material with a special adhesive that does not damage paint or wall or leave any residue. Works perfect for example putting up your logo on the wall, och maybe show the way to your office!

You can read more about how you can make custom wall sticker material